Tuesday, September 4, 2012

crossing to love

We graduated from In-service training yesterday. By 6pm we were packing our certificates and bags and leaving the hall. Half of our group decided to go to mall to unwind and relax. Our "least-liked" (sorry for the term) groupmate went with us to the mall. At first almost all of us wanted him to leave because we wanted a girl bonding but we couldn't drive him away. He went all the way to the mall with us and besides, he's our groupmate though almost everyone in our group doesn't want to bond with him. One of my friend/groupmate stood up for love's sake. She persuaded us to let him join since he was already there and to give him a chance to bond with us. We were hesitant at first but we couldn't just leave him..alone; he had so much of that already. So we dropped off the idea of leaving him and just try to enjoy the day. Yesterday was really ok. No harm or violation was done and it was fun. He didn't spoil the day. I realized that you really can't go wrong with love. When you do things with love, you won't have regrets no matter how things turned out.

Jesus did everything with love when He was here on Earth and He didn't regret what He did. He became man and died on the cross because He loves us.


John 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends."

Jesus' life shouts a life of love. The world is in need of love and it's a sin not to love 'cause Jesus commands it - to love. 

Loving the lovable is not hard but loving the unlovable seems impossible! They get on your nerves and ruin your day but we have to love them anyway. Who deserves love? No one. Love is not something one gains out of the good things he's done. Love is given not to the beautiful, nice, and talented. Love is freely given. Love is unconditional.

I was really convicted yesterday. How I acted yesterday didn't glorify God. I was a hypocrite telling people to love but not acting upon it.

We owe the world love. It's not enough that we know theology, we must act on what we believe. We need God's grace to love.

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