Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Please wait....

I've been waiting a lot lately.

Last week, I waited for my friend to arrive for half an hour (not sure haha). I woke up and traveled early. I didn't have a decent sleep and I waited. I started waiting at dawn until the sun was up greeting me a warm day ahead. 

The other day, I waited for my mom for an hour. She joined the christmas party at work and was seated at the front row. She asked me to sit with her but I didn't want to because of reasons I am too lazy to enumerate here. So I waited for her with a cup of hot chocolate, alone. I was hoping to immerse myself with good music but my Ipod ran out of battery. So there was me at the middle of the festive night, sitting alone, sipping her hot chocolate. It was tiring and melancholic.

Yesterday, I waited again for my mom at the grocery store and street corner. It was tiring and irritating. My eyebrows almost crossed each other and the corners of my lips nearly touched my chin. People were afraid to be near me thinking I would explode anytime.I think I really would.

I don't like waiting. Sometimes, I loathe it. It's boring and a waste of my time.
I don't like waiting in line. I'd rather hunger and thirst than to wait in line at the nearest food store.

I'd rather not get what I want than wait.

Yeah, that's pride welling up. I realized I have this self-entitlement that I should not wait.
I am impatient. I want to get things now and if I don't, I'd whine and give up.
I see how proud I am, how little I give, how lazy I am to love just because it's inconvenient for me.

Love is patient.

Love waits and perseveres. It stays. It forgives. It understands.
I hate it when people make me wait but God waits on me and stays even when I ran a hundred times, even when I'm too lazy to talk to Him, even when I just simply don't want to love people. He waits, stays, and never gave up on me even when I did.

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