Thursday, August 30, 2012

Boxing, headbands, and tank tops

I went to boxing gym earlier with my boxing partner. We wore our usual outfit, comfy pants (leggings for her and jogging pants for me) and t-shirt, and our new addition to the look, our headbands. I arrived at around 5:40pm and she was there 5:30pm. We started warming up after I placed my things in the shelf, took my handwraps and gloves. Our trainer instructed us to start warming up then the jump ropes while he still had clients to attend to, 2 pretty ladies with physically fit bodies, I should say. The 2 ladies were on their cool down part when we started our warm up. We got tired doing jump ropes and we decided to check the time. It was already 6:30pm and we're still "warming up". We decided to call it a day and headed to the cashier to get our vouchers back. We didn't want to continue our boxing session today because it was getting late. The session was supposed to be just for an hour or it can extend but we've had enough of jump ropes! Jump ropes for almost an hour! We packed our things, got our vouchers, told our trainer we'd cancel today, and left the gym.

Pretty girls. What made us left was not the fact that it was getting late but because we've had enough of warm ups! We felt like we're taken for granted (haha) just because we look like kids playing inside the boxing gym. I wore loose t-shirt and not-fitting-pants and rubber shoes. We didn't have make up on our face or have nice bodies; we're not even tall. We look like kids, lost. Then I realized that the world is really unfair. Looks matter for people. If you've got pretty face, you're in! I dwell on that thought for so long, I've dwelt in it for almost my whole life. Thoughts like that would drag your self-worth down and soon you'll find yourself on the corner of a room, pitying yourself for being "not good enough" to people.

What makes a person beautiful? I believe it's more than a pretty face, nice body, and shiny hair. Physical appearance can sure attract people but it won't make people stay. I'm not against pretty girls but I'm just saying that beauty is not measured by how people see you outwardly but how you see yourself. One has to believe she's wonderfully created by God. God says you're beautiful and you have to believe that and live in that truth unless you say He's a liar.

Your eyes are carefully designed by God, so is your nose, ears, mouth, arms, even your belly! God is into details and He made you unique, uniquely beautiful. When you start living in that truth, you'll feel more confident about yourself and you'll glow even more.

People who love God and believes that God loves them have this unexplainable "glow" in them. I often hear people say to me "you're blooming" when my relationship with God is good. But I see myself looking stressed out when I am far from Him, when I choose to believe I'm ugly because someone is "better looking" than me according to the world's standard. When our inside is ugly so it reflects on the outside. When our heart is full of envy, anger, self-pity, or anything negative, our outside appearance reflects that; we're grumpy and always trying to "look pretty". But when our heart is full of love and gratitude to God, when our focus is on Jesus not on ourselves and other people, we radiate and shine like Him :)

So chin up, girl! You're beautiful! Let yourself bloom in the Light. Keep looking to Jesus :)You are beautiful. Weighing scales, pimples, frizzy hair, mirrors, and people don't define you :)

1 Samuel 16:7 "The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." (NIV)

Psalm 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

There could never be a more beautiful you
Don't buy the lies, disguises and hoops, they make you jump through
You were made to fill a purpose that only you could do
So there could never be a more beautiful you


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